Kristina Lyn Heitkamp

dedicated to honest and engaging storytelling

bio1Born in Washington D.C., Kristina Lyn Heitkamp has lived in several states across the U.S. including the Treasure State, the Old Dominion State, the Lone Star State, and the Centennial State. But she is thrilled to now call the gorgeous Beehive State home. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Utah and a Masters of Arts in environmental science and natural resource journalism from the University of Montana. She is a freelance researcher for National Geographic Books and a contributor to several children’s magazines.

Kristina is interested in exploring new media platforms including animated storytelling, games, and cli-fi. She hopes to help build a better alliance between the environment and society. When she is not adventuring with a fishing pole or hiking boots, she can be found sitting by a river, plein air writing.

Follow her on Twitter to learn what she is working on now.