
fiction & 


Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.
― Mary Oliver

Kristina Lyn Heitkamp

children’s author, plein air writer, and environmental journalist

Children's Author

As a children’s author of fiction and non-fiction, Kristina wholeheartedly embraces the transformative magic of storytelling, crafting narratives that engage young readers while nurturing a lifelong passion for books. She has written and edited 19 non-fiction titles on topics ranging from ancient history to science and technology for Rosen Publishing, Britannica Educational, Enslow Publishing, Red Line Editorial, and Greenhaven PublishingShe has written articles for the magazines Odyssey, Muse, and Faces. Kristina’s work hopes to spark creativity and curiosity, inviting children to adventure and imagine, to question and challenge, and to find their own voice in new worlds.  

Plein Air Writer

Plein air is French for “open air” and was a popular art movement in the early nineteenth century. Artists would bring their paints, canvases, and brushes to the great outdoors to create artwork from life. In the way that plein air artists produce paintings, Kristina plein air writes stories. Plein air writing invites the world to unfurl its stories in the embrace of nature. Just as artists capture light and life on canvas, Kristina immerses herself in the vibrant landscapes around her. Each outdoor adventure reveals not just the beauty of the environment but also the connections we share with it, inspiring tales that celebrate the wild spirit of our natural world.  Through her journey, readers are invited to wander alongside her and discover the wonders that lie waiting just beyond the ordinary.

Environmental Journalist

After earning a graduate degree in environmental journalism, Kristina has dedicated herself to fostering a deeper and more meaningful connection between the environment and society at large. Her notable efforts encompass a range of initiatives, including bison conservation efforts aimed at protecting these majestic creatures, as well as promoting sustainable living practices that encourage individuals and communities to reduce their ecological footprints. Kristina is passionate about artivism, a unique blend of art and activism that she utilizes to raise awareness about environmental issues and inspire positive change. Kristina has also contributed her research expertise to National Geographic Books. 

[This book] has filled a niche that is unfortunately much needed at this time … The book has already been used by groups of teachers and students in schools where anti-Semitic incidents have taken place, and will surely be important to keep on hand, given the current prevalence of hate crimes.

Association of Jewish Libraries

Summer 2017, my partner and I traveled to nine public lands across Utah, inspiring dialogue about the relationship between public lands and the arts. The project highlighted the inherent value of public lands to the arts. 

Contact Kristina!